Mikhail I. Epov

Mikhail I. Epov is geophysicist; Member of RAS; Professor; PhD in Physics and Mathematics (1979); Dr. habil. in Engineering (1993); Deputy Secretary Academician of the Earth Sciences Section; Chairman of the United Scientific Board of SB RAS for Earth Sciences; Chief Scientific Officer of the A.A. Trofimuk Petroleum Geology and Geophysics Institute, SB RAS; Head of Geophysics Department, Novosibirsk State University; Head of the Siberian School of Geoelectrics.  M.I. Epov is a world-famous scientist in geophysics and geophysical methods of exploration.  He is the author of more than 550 scientific papers, including seven monographs, 12 patents; his works are widely known and justly recognised both in Russia and abroad.

Mikhail is a graduate of Novosibirsk State University; he devoted his life to the development of science in Siberia, training highly qualified specialists in geophysics. He is well-known for his thorough approach and attention to details in the work on a wide spectra of problems, and great erudition in wide areas of geophysics, geology, and mathematical modelling, as well as their application to the industry.

Main focus areas of research:

  • Theory and modelling of electromagnetic fields in heterogeneous multiscale geological environments, including their interpretation;

  • Geophysical methods of fields exploration and prospecting, including offshore geoelectrics and well logging, near-surface monitoring for the purposes of ecology, geo-engineering, and archaeology;

  • Effects of electromagnetic pulses interaction with fluid-saturated rocks.

M. Epov’s fundamental works on electromagnetic wave propagation, effects pf physical processes interaction in structurally complicated geological media are always integrated with the search for and creation of new technologies aimed at solving the topical problems having practical meaning for exploration, engineering, environmental and monitoring tasks.  General transition to new highly efficient methods for mineral deposit studies and development requires a whole new level of geophysical technologies to be created.

His works in mathematical modelling of electromagnetic fields in laterally inhomogeneous media taking into account frequency dispersion of electrophysical parameters gained world-wide recognition and resulted in creation of tools and interpretive software systems commonly used in the industry. Near-surface EM scanners were developed on the basis of fundamental results in the sphere of low-frequency electrodynamism. The unique hardware and software systems for geophysical studies in slanted horizontal wells were created under his scientific supervision; these systems include investigations carried out from offshore platforms and those supporting the drilling processes. His interests in the field of innovative geophysics are closely related to creation of aeromagnetic tomography systems mounted on light UAS.

Mikhail’s works in the area of diffusion electrodynamism and galvanic tomography in conductive media provided the basis for monitoring of seismically active and urban territories, and also studies of archaeological objects.  He gave rise to cross-disciplinary investigations of electrophysical models of wellbore area taking into account stress-strain behaviour and filtration processes in porous fluid-saturated rocks, which resulted in creation of the unique system for HC reservoir porosity and permeability estimation using geotechnical data and well logging. Currently, his researches are focused on modelling and analysis of EM fields and their features in multiscale media (rocks).

Career history:

2004 — Director, Institute of Geophysics;

2007–2017 — Director, A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics SB RAS;

2007 – present — Head of Geophysics Department, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk State University;

2008–2017 — Deputy Chairman, SB RAS;

2008 — present  — Deputy Academician Secretary, Section of Earth Sciences, RAS.

Mikhail I. Epov is a Member of SB RAS Presidium, editorial boards of the following journals: Geology and Geophysics (Geologiya i Geofizika), Well Log Analyst (Karotazhnik), Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia (Geologiya i Mineral’no-syr’evye Resursy Sibiri), and Oil and Gas Geology (Geologiya Nefti i Gaza).

He was a head of program and organizational committees of numerous international and Russian scientific conferences, and presented plenary reports. Mikhail contributes much to the development of international scientific liaisons with foreign geophysical companies. For instance, it was his idea that Baker Hughes Company (USA) should establish the scientific center for collaborative studies with the SB RAS institutes.

He is a Member of the Board of the foundation of the Global Energy Award, Member of Executive Board of Euro-Asian Geophysical Society.  He was a supervisor of the development of integrated  target-oriented program Development of Machine and Instrument Manufacturing in Novosibirsk for the Purposes of Fuel and Energy Sector for the Period Until 2020; actively cooperates with the local governments of the federal subjects, participates in the development of scientific and technological support programs aimed at social and economic development of Zabaykalsky Krai.

In recent years, Mikhail has initiated a number of innovative projects in the field of geophysics (unmanned aerial platforms for magnetic survey), as well as in biophysical applications (near-patient clinical investigations of the pancreas).

He is involved in training of academic personnel; among his students are: five Dr. habil., 17 PhDs, and 3 postgraduates.  It was his initiative to establish the new academic program Smart Geophysical Systems and Hardware since 2011. M. Epov is the Chairman of Dissertation Defence Board under A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics SB RAS.


  • International Award The Name in Science (2011)

  • Certificate of Merit from the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

  • Certificate of Honour from the Governor of Novosibirsk Region

  • Second Class Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland (2010)

  • First Class Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland for many years of conscientious work, a major contribution to the development of national science in the field of geophysics, for the development of new methods and theory of downhole geophysical data interpretation, and hardware meeting the highest world standards, the large-scale implementation of innovative technologies into the practice of Russian and foreign oil and gas companies, for fruitful scientific, organizational and educational activities (2014).

Publications and research projects in ipgg.sbras.ru