P. Melnikov 4-2022

P.N. Mel’nikov, A.V. Soloviev, S.K. Akhmedsafin, V.V. Rybal’chenko, M.N. Kravchenko, V.A. Ignatova, M.A. Shpilman, L.S. Grekova, R.G. Chinakaev1, K.A. Zhukov, V.V. Pomazanov, E.A. Kozlovskii

Total initial onshore hydrocarbon resources of the Kamchatka Region: updating the quantitative estimate

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-4-5-25

Key words: the Kamchatka Region; quantitative estimate; geological oil and gas zonation; reference area; estimated area.

For citation: Mel’nikov P.N., Soloviev A.V., Akhmedsafin S.K., Rybal’chenko V.V., Kravchenko M.N., Ignatova V.A., Shpilman M.A., Grekova L.S., Chinakaev R.G., Zhukov K.A., Pomazanov V.V., Kozlovskii E.A. Total initial onshore hydrocarbon resources of the Kamchatka Region: updating the quantitative estimate. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(4):5–25. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-4-5-25. In Russ.