Marina V. Dakhnova is Dr. habil. in Geology and Mineralogy, one of the leading and highly experienced specialist in organic chemistry and oil and gas geology.
Graduated from Moscow Gubkin Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry with a degree in exploration and prospecting of oil and gas fields. In 1999, she defended her doctoral thesis “Sulphur geochemistry in relation to the problem of oil and gas occurrence.”
Head of the Department of Geochemical Methods of Oil and Gas occurrence Prediction and Environmental Protection, Russian Research Institute of Oil Exploration (VNIGNI) in Moscow, Russia.
Area of expertise:
Geochemical methods of oil and gas occurrence studies and prediction;
Origin and prediction of hydrocarbon accumulations in gases;
Use of the results of stable carbon and sulphur isotopes studies to predict oil and gas occurrence.
Marina V. Dakhnova is the author of more than 80 scientific papers. Currently, three postgraduate students are under her scientific guidance.