Pavel N. Melnikov was born in 1963. In 1985, he graduated from Novosibirsk State University named after Leninsky Komsomol with a degree in geochemistry (oil and gas geochemistry).
Pavel is a well-known geologist, specialist in scientific substantiation of oil and gas exploration methodology in Eastern Siberia under the current economic conditions.
Spheres of special academic interests cover stratigraphy, correlation and conditions of formation of Vendian and Upper-Vendian-Lower-Cambrian reservoirs in the south of Siberian Platform, prediction of oil and gas occurrence, and geoeconomic assessment of exploration targets.
Pavel N. Melnikov took part in the development of the Program of Geological Studies and Granting of Hydrocarbon Fields for Use in Eastern Siberia and Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) approved by the Order of the Minister of Natural Resources (2004).
He is PhD in geology and mineralogy; author of more than 30 scientific papers.
Career history:
1985–2014 — from engineer and junior research fellow to senior researcher and manager of the department of oil and gas fields exploration and prospecting, Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources (SNIIGGiMS);
2014 — Deputy Director General, First Deputy Director General;
2018 to present — Director General, Russian Research Institute of Oil Exploration (VNIGNI).
Awards and Titles:
Excellence in Subsoil Exploration Badge (2009)
Honoured Employee of SNIIGGiMS Company (2012)
Medal For Contribution to the Progress of Novosibirsk Oblast (2012)
Honoured Prospector Badge (2013)