Oleg M. Prischepa graduated from the Leningrad State University in 1983 with a degree in Geology and Mineral Deposits Exploration and Prospecting; since then he has been working in the Russian Petroleum Research Exploration Institute (VNIGRI) as geologist, team leader, department manager, Deputy Director of the institute. Currently Oleg M. Prischepa is the Director General of VNIGRI.
Oleg is a recognized expert in oil and gas geology of the Timan-Pechora Province; he is Dr. habil. in Geology and Mineralogy (2007), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Oil and Gas Section (2008), Honoured Prospector, Honoured Oil Worker, winner of the Russian Federation State Prize in Science and Technology (2009).
Area of expertise:
Problems of exploration activities development and reserves replacement under present-day conditions;
Evaluation of oil and gas raw material base in the North-Western Region of Russia;
Building geological and geophysical models for underexplored regions;
development of theory of oil and gas accumulation zones.
Oleg M. Prischepa is regular participant and coordinator of Russian and international conferences devoted to the development of raw materials base and fuel and energy sector, theory of naphtidogenesis, evaluation of oil and gas objects, geoeconomic assessment of oil and gas objects of different scales. He is a convener and spearhead of a number of event aimed at strengthening and development of the conventional scientific schools of the institute, as well as new research trends. The most important of them are: resumption and extending works related to geochemical modelling; petrophysical and stratigraphic investigations; ecopetroleum studies; development of geoinformation methodologies, techniques of geological and geophysical modelling in underexplored regions; E-zine establishing and publishing; reconstruction of technical and material base of the institute; expansion of specialized software products, re-equipment of analytical computer-based centre; establishing of microbiological laboratory.
Oleg M. Prischepa is the author and co-author of 10 monographs, nine books, and more than 250 publications devoted to various aspects of building up the HC raw material base; quantitative geological and economic assessment of oil and gas objects of different scales; methodology for assessment of predicted and promising oil and gas resources, conditions of formation of oil and gas accumulation zones as target objects for E&P activities; selection of oil and gas occurrence criteria; and substantiation of focus areas and licensing trends.