K.O. Sobornov
Symbiosis of ring inversion structures and salt cryptodiapirs in the north of the West Siberian basin
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-15-30
Key words: West Siberian basin; ring inversion structures; salt cryptodiapirs; geodynamics; oil and gas fields; seismic surveying.
For citation: Sobornov K.O. Symbiosis of ring inversion structures and salt cryptodiapirs in the north of the West Siberian basin. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(6):15–30. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-15-30. In Russ.
Acknowledgments. The author is deeply indebted to V.A. Baldin (AO Bashneftegeofizika, Ufa, Russia), I.P. Korotkov (GDS, Moscow, Russia), A.M. Nikishin (MSU, Moscow, Russia) for fruitful discussions concerning various aspects of seismic interpretation and geology of Western Siberia. The author is also appreciating Severo-Uralskaya Oil and Gas Company LLC for technical support of the research.
Ring inversion structures are a phenomenon of geological structure of the northern regions of the West Siberian Basin. They include synclines in Jurassic sediments overlain by subtle uplifts in Cretaceous sediments. Interpretation of seismic data shows that these disharmonic structures probably resulted from salt diapir growth in Paleozoic sediments. The symbiosis of ring inversion structures and cryptodiapirs was determined by the staged growth of salt structures, which is consistent with the geodynamic context of the West Siberian Basin development. The high-relief synclinal elements of the inversion structures, which are composed predominantly of Jurassic deposits, were probably formed under conditions of crestal stretching above the rapidly growing cryptodiapirs. The subsequent formation of swells composed of Cretaceous deposits is interpreted as the result of a new phase of salt diapir’ moderate growth in the Late Cenozoic. This phase of limited diapir growth modified the synclines but did not resulted in their elimination. The confinement of ring inversion structures to cryptodiapirs in the Paleozoic sediments was favorable for the formation of large multiplay oil and gas fields. Pre-Jurassic deposits could be a source of additional hydrocarbon amount for accumulations in the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary cover.
Konstantin O. Sobornov ORCiD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Chief researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil institute,
36, sh. Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia
e-mail: sobornov@vnigni.ru
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