Yaroslavtseva 4-2024

E.S. Yaroslavtseva, T.M.Parfenova, A.E. Kontorovich, L.M. Burshtein Organic carbon distribution in the Kuonamka Formation (Cambrian series of Siberian Platform) DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-4-69-78 Key words: organic carbon; Kuonamka formation; Cambrian; Siberian platform. For citation: Yaroslavtseva E.S., Parfenova T.M., Kontorovich A.E., Burshtein L.M. Organic carbon distribution in the Kuonamka formation (Cambrian series of Siberian platform). Geologiya nefti i […]

Matveeva 3-2024

T.V. Matveeva, E.A. Logvina, O.V. Nazarova Submarine gas hydrates: methods and results of resource assessment DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-81-96 Key words: unconventional resources; gas hydrates; gas hydrate accumulations; gas hydrate resource assessment; local, global, and regional gas hydrate resource assessment; Arctic gas hydrates. For citation: Matveeva T.V., Logvina E.A., Nazarova O.V. Submarine gas hydrates: methods and results […]

Chernykh 3-2024

A.A. Chernykh, T.Yu. Medvedeva, E.I. Gorbenko, A.S. Gushchin Problems and opportunities of regional geological exploration on the Russian Federation Arctic shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-31-40 Key words: Arctic shelf; hydrocarbon fields; resources; reserves; geological exploration; deep drilling; density of seismic exploration. For citation: Chernykh A.A., Medvedeva T.Yu., Gorbenko E.I., Gushchin A.S. Problems and opportunities of regional geological […]

Bogdanov 1-2024

A.N. Bogdanov, P.V. Khmirov Results of geological exploration for oil and gas and hydrocarbon resource base development in Bukhara-Khivinsky region DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-45-57 Key words: Bukhara-Khivinsky region; field; reserves; resources; hydrocarbons; production; geological exploration; oil and gas occurrence. For citation: Bogdanov A.N., Khmirov P.V. Results of geological exploration for oil and gas and hydrocarbon resource base […]

Gorlov 6-2023

D.A. Gorlov, S.P. Levshunova, D.V. Root, S.F. Migurskii Geopetroleum zoning of Lower-Middle Cambrian Kuonamsky Formation in Lena-Tungussky Petroleum Province DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-67-79 Key words: Kuonamsky Formation; Siberian Platform; shaly-carbonate bituminous formation; Inikansky Formation; Cambrian; resource assessment; geopetroleum zoning. For citation: Gorlov D.A., Levshunova S.P., Root D.V., Migurskii S.F. Geopetroleum zoning of Lower-Middle Cambrian Kuonamsky Formation in […]

Vazhenina 6-2023

O.A. Vazhenina Petroleum potential of eastern marginal zones of West Siberian Petroleum Province DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-19-30 Key words: analysis; exploration maturity; sequence; petroleum potential; marginal zone; reservoir; well; territory; oil and gas content; impermeable bed. For citation: Vazhenina O.A. Petroleum potential of eastern marginal zones of West Siberian Petroleum Province. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(6):19–30. DOI: […]

Dmitrievsky 6-2023

A.N. Dmitrievsky, S.A. Punanova, V.L. Shuster Scientific and methodological approach to prediction, exploration and prospecting of large and giant oil and gas accumulations confined to mega-reservoirs DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-7-17 Ключевые слова: oil; gas; large accumulations; mega-reservoirs; prediction and prospecting; quantitative criteria; hydrocarbon-bearing formations. For citation: Dmitrievsky A.N., Punanova S.A., Shuster V.L. Scientific and methodological approach to […]

Grunis 1-2020

E.B. Grunis, I.V. Kolokolova, V.B. Rostovshchikov, G.V. Ul’yanov Substantiation of petroleum potential of the Domanik-Tournaisian carbonates: specifics of applying the risk assessment methodology (Timan-Pechora Petroleum Basin) DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2020‑1‑21‑33 Key words: TimanPechora; NorthUrals Petroleum Region; probability; geological success; risks; exploration activities; DomanikTournaisian play. For citation: Grunis E.B., Kolokolova I.V., Rostovshchikov V.B., Ul’yanov G.V. Substantiation of petroleum […]

Lyubimova 3-2021

A.V. Lyubimova, E.R. Tolmacheva Creating GIS projects is geological and geophysical research: new approaches DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-137-143 Key words: hydrocarbon raw material base; oil and gas resources and reserves; geological exploration for oil and gas; geoinformation technologies; GIS project; GIS INTEGRO software and technology system. For citation: Lyubimova A.V., Tolmacheva E.R. Creating GIS projects is geological […]

Lyubimova 3-2021

A.V. Lyubimova, A.O. Navrotskii, E.R. Tolmacheva Geoinformation support of planning and carrying out geological exploration work DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-77-83 Key words: hydrocarbon raw material base; oil and gas resources and reserves; geological exploration for oil and gas; geoinformation technologies; Unified Databank of Oil and Gas Resources; GIS-project. For citation: Lyubimova A.V., Navrotskii A.O., Tolmacheva E.R. Geoinformation […]