Alexander P. Afanasenkov

Alexander P. Afanasenkov was born on February 1, 1954. In 1971 he got into Faculty of Geology in Lomonosov Moscow State University, and in 1976 graduated with a degree in Oil and Gas Fields Geology, Exploration and Prospecting. Alexander has Doctor degree in Geology and Mineralogy.

Career history:

1976–1991 — various positions in the Norilsk Expedition, Sevmorgeo Company;

1991–1992 — Head of the Geological Department, Central Arctic Expedition;

1992–1995 — Deputy Chairman, Chief Oil and Gas Geologist, Geology and Subsoil Use Committee, Taimyrgeolkom;

1995–2004 — Field Geology and Development Vice-President; Executive Director for Geology, Head of Geology and Reserves Diversification, Yukos OC; Executive Vice President, Head of Subsoil Geology Department, Yukos EP Company;

2004–2005 — Senior Vice President, Geology and Subsoil Use Licensing, Yukos EP Company;

2005–2007 — First Deputy Director General for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, United Oil Group;

2007 — Senior Vice-President for Exploration and Production, Yukos RM; President of Yukos EP in the stage of bankruptcy proceeding;

2008–2010 — Chief Strategy Advisor, LARGEO Company;

2010–2019 — First Deputy Director General for Science, Russian Research Geological Oil Institute.  Alexander was in charge of the areas of oil and gas occurrence and E&P, resources, reserves, and geophysical studies;

2019 — First Deputy Director General, Head of the Production Division, Rosgeologiya;

Since 2013, he also works in the Department of Theoretical Basics of Oil and Gas Fields Development at the Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Alexander is author and co-author of 63 papers, two books, 45 presentations at the conferences, 13 abstracts, one research work; he is a member of six program committees.


  • Second Class Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland (1998)

  • Honoured Worker of Fuel and Energy Sector badge of honour (2003)

  • Honoured Employee of Yukos Oil Company (2004)

  • Diploma of MSU Honoured Graduate