Fortunatova 1-2025

N.K. Fortunatova, E.L. Zaytseva, A.V. Baranova, M.A. Bushueva, L.I. Kononova, M.S. Afanasieva, S.I. Kharchenko

Melekessskaya-1 key well — typical section of Upper Devonian-Tournaisian oil-bearing deposits of the domanic-type of Kama-Kinel trough system axial zones

DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-83-102

Key words: Volga-Urals Petrolium Province; Kama-Kinel trough system; Upper Devonian; Tournaisian; highly carbonaceous Domanik-type deposits; typical section, Formation; Group; zone; ecozone; Beds with conodonts.

For citation: Fortunatova N.K., Zaytseva E.L., Baranova A.V., Bushueva M.A., Kononova L.I., Afanasieva M.S., Kharchenko S.I. Melekessskaya-1 key well — typical section of Upper Devonian-Tournaisian oil-bearing deposits of the domanic-type of Kama-Kinel trough system axial zones. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):83–102. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-83-102. In Russ.