A.I. Gresov, A.V. Yatsuk
Gas geochemical indicators of coal, oil and gas potential of sedimentary basins and geostructures in the central and western part of the East Siberian sea
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-1-95-110
Key words: seafloor sediments; hydrocarbon gases; gas geochemical parameters; coal, oil and gas content; East Siberian Sea.
For citation: Gresov A.I., Yatsuk A.V. Gas geochemical indicators of coal, oil and gas potential of sedimentary basins and geostructures in the central and western part of the East Siberian sea. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(1):95–110. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-1-95-110. In Russ.
Funding: Gas geochemical studies were carried out within the framework of the State Assignment POI FEB RAS №. 0211-2021-0006 (121021500055-0).
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to A.S. Astakhov, R.B. Shakirov, A.A. Bosin, and Yu.P. Vasilenko for their support in the marine field research, and to V.V. Kalinchuk and D.A. Shvalov for their assistance in seafloor sediment sampling.
According to the data of gas sampling of well cores and seafloor sediments in the central and western parts of the East Siberian Sea shelf, it was found that different gas geochemical parameters (weight concentrations, molecular weight, moisture coefficients, maturity of hydrocarbon fraction and isotope composition of methane carbon) are typical of hydrocarbon gases of the studied lithotypes. Biochemical gases of recent sediments in bottom sediments are represented by syngenetic, epigenetic and heterogeneous gases; magmatic — igneous formations; metamorphogenic — coal and gas formations, gas deposits, solid bitumen, condensate-gas, condensate, oil and gas, gas-oil deposits and gas hydrates. Eleven genetic groups of hydrocarbon gases have been identified that are quite close to analogues in the Lena-Vilyuisky, Irkutsky Verkhne-Bureinsky, Anadyrsky, Sakhalinsky, and Okhotsky coal and oil-gas basins of the Russian East. Based on the data obtained, the predicted areas of oil and gas formations occurrence were outlined, and a gas geochemical assessment of the oil and gas prospects was carried out in the study area.
Alexander I. Gresov ORCiD Scopus
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Chief researcher
V.I.Il’ichev Pacific
Oceanological Institute,
43, Baltiiskaya, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
e-mail: gresov@poi.dvo.ru
Andrey V. Yatsuk ORCiD Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Senior Researcher
V.I.Il’ichev Pacific
Oceanological Institute,
43, Baltiiskaya, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
e-mail: yatsuk@poi.dvo.ru
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Section: Geochemical surveys