M.A. Grishchenko, I.V. Ivanova
Em-Egovsky License Area: update of ВК1–3 beds lithology model accounting for processes of secondary carbonatization
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-47-59
Key words: secondary transformations; carbonatization; reservoir; integrated analysis; modelling of lithology; laminated clay volume; variogram analysis.
For citation: Grishchenko M.A., Ivanova I.V. Em-Egovsky License Area: update of ВК1–3 beds lithology model accounting for processes of secondary carbonatization. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(2):47–59. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-47-59. In Russ.
Digital geological model is a basis for solving exploration and prospecting problems, assessment of natural resources and reserves, designing field development systems, and drilling support. Modelling of pay zone lithologic heterogeneity is one of the most difficult and important problems of 3D geological modelling since it is the lithology model that makes the basis for porosity and permeability distribution in a reservoir and oil and gas saturation factors within hydrocarbon accumulations. That is why improving the methodology for creating a lithology model that takes into account the processes of secondary carbonatization of rocks, is of great interest in the field of geological modelling. Integrated analysis of data made it possible to identify carbonatized varieties in Vikulovsky sediments, determine their genesis, porosity and permeability, and distribution within Em-Egovsky License Area, improve the methodology for building 3D lithology model that takes into account secondary carbonatization processes in BK1–3 formations. The authors substantiate a three-stage process of lithology cube creation.
Marina A. Grishchenko ORCiD
Senior expert,
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Tyumen Oil Research Center,
ul. Osipenko, 79/1, Tyumen`, 625002 Russia
e-mail: MAGrischenko@tnnc.rosneft.ru
Irina V. Ivanova ORCiD
Tyumen Oil Research Center,
ul. Osipenko, 79/1, Tyumen`, 625002 Russia
e-mail: ivivanova@tnnc.rosneft.ru
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