A.V. Khramtsova, К.V. Zverev, A.V. Melnikov
Hyperpycnal turbidites: main type of Lower Cretaceous Achimov sandy deposits in Western Siberia
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-45-56
Key words: extrabasinal turbidites; hyperpycnal flows; plant detritus; Achimov Formation; deep-water channels; deepsea fans.
For citation: Khramtsova A.V., Zverev K.V., Melnikov A.V. Hyperpycnal turbidites as the main type of sandy deposits of the Achimov formation of Western Siberia. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(6):45–56. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-45-56. In Russ.
Structural features of the Achimov rocks studied from well cores and 3D seismic survey results, are indicative of the fact that most of them were formed by hyperpycnal (extrabasinal) rather than classical (intrabasinal) turbidite flows. Almost all sandy and silt-sandy rocks are deposits of extra-basin turbidites the formation of which was directly related to river floodwater discharge into the sea basin. The following signs point to hyperpycnal genesis of turbidites: presence on plant detritus and wood fragments; absence of the complete classical Bouma cycle sequence; transitions of the shelf edge riverbed systems into slope channels observed in depositional slices obtained from 3D seismic data. In contrast to those classical, hyperpycnal turbidite flows could exist for quite a long time: several days or weeks (during the entire period of onshore river flooding), transporting large volumes of fluviatile sediments into the deep-water basin. The shape and size of the Achimov submarine fans formed by hyperpycnal turbidite flows were thus determined by the duration of river floods, as well as water discharge volume and onshore river sediment load. Longer periods of river floods and larger river sizes resulted in formation of larger submarine fans, and vice versa.
Alena V. Khramtsova ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
and Sedimentology Expert
Tyumen Oil Research Center,
19, ul. Perekopskaya, Tyumen, 625003, Russia
e-mail: avkhramtsova@rosneft.ru
Konstantin V. Zverev
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
leading expert
LLC Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center
625048, Tyumen, st. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 14
e-mail: Zverev.KV@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
Alexander V. Melnikov ORCiD
LLC Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
625003, Tyumen, st. Perekopskaya, 19
e-mail: avmelnikov2@tnnc.rosneft.ru
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