V.A. Krinin
Western boundary of Siberian Platform and petroleum potential of its margin
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-5-67-88
Key words: Siberian Platform; West Siberian Plate; western boundary; deposits; Basement block; source formation; hydrocarbons.
For citation: Krinin V.A. Western boundary of Siberian Platform and petroleum potential of its margin. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(5):67–88. DOI:10.47148/0016-7894-2024-5-67-88. In Russ.
Geological and geophysical data acquired during regional geological exploration over the years in the border areas between the ancient Siberian Platform and West Siberian Plate were subject to review and analysis. As a result, a scheme of the Basement block structure was created, and ranking of the blocks having relatively high, intermediate and deep occurrence was conducted. Each of the Basement blocks identified has its own stratigraphic completeness of the section and is overlapped by sedimentary cover of different thickness. The study resulted in revealing identity of architecture, composition, and age of sedimentary cover resting on the Basement blocks that, according to the modern views, belong to the Siberian Platform from one side, and to West Siberian Plate on the other. This fact throws into question the definition of boundary between these geotectonic elements. One more key factor that determines attribution of West Siberian Plate to the ancient Siberian Platform is Early Proterozoic age of the Basement below the pre-Mesozoic deposits of sedimentary cover in the north-east of the West Siberian Plate. This fact was proved by the results of drilling stratigraphic well 316 in the Medvezhy site, and reinterpretation of geological and geophysical information of previous years. This enabled the authors to formulate an idea of the western boundary of Siberian Platform, which differs from the currently existing. In accordance with the generally accepted structural and tectonic zoning of the territory under consideration, a brief analysis of geological structure and evolution history of super-order structural elements is presented for the marginal western part of the ancient platform. Zoning of the territory according to petroleum potential was carried out based on the studies of source rock Organic Matter, its catagenetic transformation during the course of geological evolution of sedimentary cover. According to the results of the zoning carried out, promising territories and those of little or no promise were identified. The integrated analysis conducted will make it possible to concentrate on uncertainty of the boundary position between the ancient and young platforms. This will contribute to improved planning and selection of priority areas for geological exploration in the west of the Lena-Tungussky Petroleum Province.
Vladimir A. Krininч ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading Researcher,
Krasnoyarsk Department
of All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute Novosibirsk Branch,
55, prospekt Mira, Krasnoyarsk, 660000, Russia
e-mail: vkrinin@vnigni.ru
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