T.A. Matyukhina, V.D. Nemova, E.O. Mikitin, N.E. Gavrilova, O.A. Voronkova, D.A. Spiridonov
Sredne-Nazymsky field: features of gasoline cut hydrocarbon composition and oil genesis
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-85-96
Key words: Upper Jurassic deposits; oil and gas source rocks; geochemical studies of oil; genetic typification; physical and chemical analysis; gasoline cut; molecular analysis; biomarkers; kerogen.
For citation: Matyukhina T.A., Nemova V.D., Mikitin E.O., Gavrilova N.E., Voronkova O.A., Spiridonov D.A. Sredne-Nazymsky field: features of gasoline cut hydrocarbon composition and oil genesis. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(2):85–96. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-85-96. In Russ.
The authors discuss studies of molecular composition of oil contained in structurally complicated low-permeable reservoir rocks constituting the Jurassic and pre-Jurassic accumulations in the Sredne-Nazymsky field; the field is situated within the West Siberian Frolovsky Petroleum Region. The hydrocarbon source of accumulations in pre-Jurassic and Middle Jurassic deposits is still debatable. At the same time, monitoring of the Upper Jurassic high-carbon formation development is a topical and sophisticated problem. The Rock-Eval pyrolysis was used to determine the possible source rocks, the Organic Matter type and generation potential in the studied interval. Molecular composition of biomarker hydrocarbons obtained from the gas-liquid chromatography and chromatography-mass spectrometry data were used in genetic typification of oil from the Jurassic and pre-Jurassic accumulations and in oil-rock chemocorrelation. In addition, data on the isotopic signature of carbon in crude oils, bitumoids, kerogen of Upper Jurassic rocks, and trace element and vanadyl porphyrin content in oils of different reservoirs in the field under consideration were used. Particular attention was paid to the study of hydrocarbons in gasoline cut of oils. Informative molecular parameters (С6–С7, ratios in hydrocarbon composition) were determined that makes it possible to identify oils from Upper Jurassic, Middle Jurassic (ЮК2–7 reservoirs) deposits and pre-Jurassic sequence (PZ reservoir). The authors propose to use these parameters in determination of oil belonging to the objects/accumulations under consideration and in monitoring of the Sredne-Nazymsky field development.
Tat’yana A. Matyukhina ORCiD
Lead Specialist
LLC «LUKOIL-Engineering»,
3 building 1, Pokrovsky boulevard, Moscow, 109028, Russia
e-mail: tatyana.matyukhina@lukoil.com
Varvara D. Nemova ORCiD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
LLC «LUKOIL-Engineering»,
3 building 1, Pokrovsky boulevard, Moscow, 109028, Russia
e-mail: phitan@yandex.ru
Evgenii O. Mikitin ORCiD
Deputy Director General
LLC «LUKOIL-Engineering»,
3 building 1, Pokrovsky boulevard, Moscow, 109028, Russia
e-mail: evgenij.mikitin@lukoil.com
Natal’ya E. Gavrilova ORCiD
Candidate of Chemical Sciences,
Head of Administration
LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” Limited PermNIPIneft Branch,
3A, ul. Permskaya, Perm’, 614015, Russia
e-mail: natalja.gavrilova@pnn.lukoil.com
Ol’ga A. Voronkova ORCiD
Head of Department
LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” Limited PermNIPIneft Branch,
3A, ul. Permskaya, Perm’, 614015, Russia
e-mail: olga.a.voronkova@pnn.lukoil.com
Dmitrii A. Spiridonov ORCiD
Head of Department
LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” Limited PermNIPIneft Branch,
19/17, ul. Tsentral’naya, Kogalym, 628486, Russia
e-mail: dmitriy.spiridonov@lukoil.com
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Section: Geochemical surveys