V.I. Popkov, I.V. Popkov Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18 Key words: anticline; thrust; tangential compression; oil and gas trap. For citation: Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):5–18. […]
I.V. Kunitsyna, P.A. Zemtsov, N.A.Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitskiy Depositional settings and patterns of Chokrak sandy reservoir distribution within Dagestan shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-103-115 Key words: Piedmont Dagestan; Dagestan shelf; Chokrak sedimentary rocks; seismic data; sequence stratigraphy; seismic facies; non-anticlinal traps; petroelum potential. For citation: Kunitsyna I.V., Zemtsov P.A., Malyshev N.A., Verzhbitskiy V.E. Depositional settings and patterns of […]
I.V. Kislukhin, A.V. Khramtsova, E.A. Maklakova, A.P. Leonov, E.V. Astafiev, T.A. Ryazanova, A.A. Gladyshev Features of Lower-Middle Jurassic deposit formation in the east ofWest Siberian Arctic regions DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-89-102 Key words: Southern Urals; frontal folds; seismic stratigraphy sequences; oil and gas bearing sequences; unconventional reservoir; local exploration targets; oil; gas. For citation: Kislukhin I.V., Khramtsova […]
A.N. Bogdanov, P.V. Khmirov Results of geological exploration for oil and gas and hydrocarbon resource base development in Bukhara-Khivinsky region DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-45-57 Key words: Bukhara-Khivinsky region; field; reserves; resources; hydrocarbons; production; geological exploration; oil and gas occurrence. For citation: Bogdanov A.N., Khmirov P.V. Results of geological exploration for oil and gas and hydrocarbon resource base […]
N.K. Fortunatova, S.I. Kharchenko, G.A. Belousov, A.G. Shvets-Teneta-Guriy, A.B. Gorodkov, D.Yu. Sotnikova Riphean-Vendian deposits in Yuryuzano-Aisky depression of Urals Foreland Basin: features of geological structure and petroleum potential DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-27-44 Key words: Yuryuzano-Aisky depression; Urals Foreland Basin; Riphean; Vendian; Kamsky-Bel’sky aulacogen; petroleum potential. For citation: Fortunatova N.K., Kharchenko S.I., Belousov G.A., Shvets-Teneta-Gurii A.G., Gorodkov A.B., […]
S.L. Kalamkarov, A.L. Petrov, I.F. Loshakova, G.D. Ukhlova, A.N. Obukhov Yenisei-Khatanga Petroleum Region: features of oil and gas occurrence in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic structural levels considering tectonic and geochemical data DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-7-26 Key words: Yenisei-Khatanga Regional Trough; Tareisky swell; clinoforms; oil and gas source rocks; specific gravity of hydrocarbon generation; ranges of hydrocarbon generation. For […]
S.A. Punanova, D.A. Huseynov, G.S. Martynova, R.G. Nanajanova Mud volcanoes of western flank of South Caspian depression: geochemical features of oils and mud volcano oil shows DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-97-106 Key words: South Caspian depression; oil; oil show; mud volcanism; trace elements; naphtide genesis. For citation: Punanova S.A., Huseynov D.A., Martynova G.S., Nanajanova R.G. Mud volcanoes of […]
D.A. Gorlov, S.P. Levshunova, D.V. Root, S.F. Migurskii Geopetroleum zoning of Lower-Middle Cambrian Kuonamsky Formation in Lena-Tungussky Petroleum Province DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-67-79 Key words: Kuonamsky Formation; Siberian Platform; shaly-carbonate bituminous formation; Inikansky Formation; Cambrian; resource assessment; geopetroleum zoning. For citation: Gorlov D.A., Levshunova S.P., Root D.V., Migurskii S.F. Geopetroleum zoning of Lower-Middle Cambrian Kuonamsky Formation in […]
G.G. Shemin, A.G. Vakhromeev, O.A. Smirnov, A.S. Smirnov, S.A. Moiseev, P.A. Glazyrin, E.V. Deev Vendian and Cambrian carbonate pay intervals in central and southern regions of Siberian Platform: architecture, composition, assessment of reservoir quality and petroleum potential DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-41-65 Key words: formation; structure; composition; reservoir; porosity; permeability; accumulation; pool; field; petroleum potential. For citation: Shemin […]
A.N. Fomin, V.N. Melenevskii Catagenesis of organic matter and petroleum potential of Proterozoic, Palaeozoic, and Mesozoic formations of Lena-Anabarsky interfluve DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-6-31-39 Key words: Lena-Anabarsky interfluve; catagenesis of organic matter in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic formations; petroleum potential. For citation: Fomin A.N., Melenevskii V.N. Catagenesis of organic matter and petroleum potential of Proterozoic, Palaeozoic, and Mesozoic […]