G.V. Ul’yanov, O.V. Bogoyavlenskaya, D.Yu. Golovanov, N.A. Malyshev, D.K. Komissarov, V.E. Verzhbitskii, A.A. Kolyubakin, A.A. Suslova, A.G. Kalmykov Actual studies of petroleum-series hydrocarbon formation and preservationwithin East Barents Basin DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-41-50 Key words: sedimentary basin; Organic Matter; source rock; basin modelling; hydrocarbon of petroleum series; magmatism;intrusion; bitumen. Ul’yanov G.V., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V., Golovanov D.Yu., Malyshev N.A., […]
A.A. Chernykh, T.Yu. Medvedeva, E.I. Gorbenko, A.S. Gushchin Problems and opportunities of regional geological exploration on the Russian Federation Arctic shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-31-40 Key words: Arctic shelf; hydrocarbon fields; resources; reserves; geological exploration; deep drilling; density of seismic exploration. For citation: Chernykh A.A., Medvedeva T.Yu., Gorbenko E.I., Gushchin A.S. Problems and opportunities of regional geological […]
N.A. Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitsky, А.А. Kolyubakin, D.К. Komissarov, А.А. Borodulin, V.V. Obmetko, А.B. Popova, S.M. Danilkin, I.S. Vasilyeva, T.А. Timoshenko, G.N. Aleksandrova, Yu.А. Gatovsky, А.А. Suslova, A.M. Nikishin Technological aspects and experience of stratigraphic drilling in the seas of the Russian Arctic DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-19-30 Ключевые слова: стратиграфическое бурение; российская Арктика; инновационные технологии; осадочные бассейны; датирование […]
P.N. Mel’nikov, A.V. Solov’ev, M.B. Skvortsov, O.V. Grushevskaya, I.V. Uvarova, M.N. Kravchenko, S.V. Shimanskii, A.V. Kozlova Main results of geological exploration for hydrocarbons in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2020–2022 and prospects for its further development DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-5-18 Key words: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; geological exploration; natural resource potential; licensing; […]
V.V. Kharakhinov Abyssal breathing of Earth and hydrocarbon potential DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-87-104 Key words: Southern Urals; frontal folds; seismic stratigraphy sequences; oil and gas bearing sequences; unconventional reservoir; local exploration targets; oil; gas. For citation: Kharakhinov V.V. Abyssal breathing of Earth and hydrocarbon potential. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):87–104. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-87-104. In Russ. Abstract About author […]
L.A. Dubrovina, E.A. Ivanov, E.V. Smirnova, G.L. Rozbaeva, Yu.V. Reidik Methodological approaches to identification of Achimov-type exploration targets in the Arctic zone of West Siberian north DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-41-50 Key words: Lower Cretaceous deposits; clinoform sequence; paleoshelf; paleoslope; exploration target; correlation. For citation: Dubrovina L.A., Ivanov E.A., Smirnova E.V., Rozbaeva G.L., Reidik Yu.V. Methodological approaches to […]
O.I. Merkulov, V.P. Stenin, S.Yu. Malyavin, V.B. Shcheglov, S.V. Sizintsev Lower Permian subsalt deposits of the Astrakhan arch: promising focus area for oil and gas exploration in south-west of Caspian region DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-29-40 Key words: Caspian Depression; Astrakhan Arch; Lower Permian deposits; oil; gas; petroleum potential; hydrocarbon resources; focus areas of geological exploration; subgranular reservoir; […]
V.I. Popkov, I.V. Popkov Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18 Key words: anticline; thrust; tangential compression; oil and gas trap. For citation: Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):5–18. […]
I.V. Kunitsyna, P.A. Zemtsov, N.A.Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitskiy Depositional settings and patterns of Chokrak sandy reservoir distribution within Dagestan shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-103-115 Key words: Piedmont Dagestan; Dagestan shelf; Chokrak sedimentary rocks; seismic data; sequence stratigraphy; seismic facies; non-anticlinal traps; petroelum potential. For citation: Kunitsyna I.V., Zemtsov P.A., Malyshev N.A., Verzhbitskiy V.E. Depositional settings and patterns of […]
I.V. Kislukhin, A.V. Khramtsova, E.A. Maklakova, A.P. Leonov, E.V. Astafiev, T.A. Ryazanova, A.A. Gladyshev Features of Lower-Middle Jurassic deposit formation in the east ofWest Siberian Arctic regions DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-89-102 Key words: Southern Urals; frontal folds; seismic stratigraphy sequences; oil and gas bearing sequences; unconventional reservoir; local exploration targets; oil; gas. For citation: Kislukhin I.V., Khramtsova […]