Ul’yanov 3-2024

G.V. Ul’yanov, O.V. Bogoyavlenskaya, D.Yu. Golovanov, N.A. Malyshev, D.K. Komissarov, V.E. Verzhbitskii, A.A. Kolyubakin, A.A. Suslova, A.G. Kalmykov Actual studies of petroleum-series hydrocarbon formation and preservationwithin East Barents Basin DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-41-50 Key words: sedimentary basin; Organic Matter; source rock; basin modelling; hydrocarbon of petroleum series; magmatism;intrusion; bitumen. Ul’yanov G.V., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V., Golovanov D.Yu., Malyshev N.A., […]

Chernykh 3-2024

A.A. Chernykh, T.Yu. Medvedeva, E.I. Gorbenko, A.S. Gushchin Problems and opportunities of regional geological exploration on the Russian Federation Arctic shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-31-40 Key words: Arctic shelf; hydrocarbon fields; resources; reserves; geological exploration; deep drilling; density of seismic exploration. For citation: Chernykh A.A., Medvedeva T.Yu., Gorbenko E.I., Gushchin A.S. Problems and opportunities of regional geological […]

Malyshev 3-2024

N.A. Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitsky, А.А. Kolyubakin, D.К. Komissarov, А.А. Borodulin, V.V. Obmetko, А.B. Popova, S.M. Danilkin, I.S. Vasilyeva, T.А. Timoshenko, G.N. Aleksandrova, Yu.А. Gatovsky, А.А. Suslova, A.M. Nikishin Technological aspects and experience of stratigraphic drilling in the seas of the Russian Arctic DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-19-30 Ключевые слова: стратиграфическое бурение; российская Арктика; инновационные технологии; осадочные бассейны; датирование […]

Mel’nikov 3-2024

P.N. Mel’nikov, A.V. Solov’ev, M.B. Skvortsov, O.V. Grushevskaya, I.V. Uvarova, M.N. Kravchenko, S.V. Shimanskii, A.V. Kozlova Main results of geological exploration for hydrocarbons in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2020–2022 and prospects for its further development DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-5-18 Key words: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; geological exploration; natural resource potential; licensing; […]

Kharakhinov 2-2024

V.V. Kharakhinov Abyssal breathing of Earth and hydrocarbon potential DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-87-104 Key words: Southern Urals; frontal folds; seismic stratigraphy sequences; oil and gas bearing sequences; unconventional reservoir; local exploration targets; oil; gas. For citation: Kharakhinov V.V. Abyssal breathing of Earth and hydrocarbon potential. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):87–104. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-87-104. In Russ. Abstract About author […]

Dubrovina 2-2024

L.A. Dubrovina, E.A. Ivanov, E.V. Smirnova, G.L. Rozbaeva, Yu.V. Reidik Methodological approaches to identification of Achimov-type exploration targets in the Arctic zone of West Siberian north DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-41-50 Key words: Lower Cretaceous deposits; clinoform sequence; paleoshelf; paleoslope; exploration target; correlation. For citation: Dubrovina L.A., Ivanov E.A., Smirnova E.V., Rozbaeva G.L., Reidik Yu.V. Methodological approaches to […]

Merkulov 2-2024

O.I. Merkulov, V.P. Stenin, S.Yu. Malyavin, V.B. Shcheglov, S.V. Sizintsev Lower Permian subsalt deposits of the Astrakhan arch: promising focus area for oil and gas exploration in south-west of Caspian region DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-29-40 Key words: Caspian Depression; Astrakhan Arch; Lower Permian deposits; oil; gas; petroleum potential; hydrocarbon resources; focus areas of geological exploration; subgranular reservoir; […]

Popkov 2-2024

V.I. Popkov, I.V. Popkov Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18 Key words: anticline; thrust; tangential compression; oil and gas trap. For citation: Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):5–18. […]

Kunitsyna 1-2024

I.V. Kunitsyna, P.A. Zemtsov, N.A.Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitskiy Depositional settings and patterns of Chokrak sandy reservoir distribution within Dagestan shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-103-115 Key words: Piedmont Dagestan; Dagestan shelf; Chokrak sedimentary rocks; seismic data; sequence stratigraphy; seismic facies; non-anticlinal traps; petroelum potential. For citation: Kunitsyna I.V., Zemtsov P.A., Malyshev N.A., Verzhbitskiy V.E. Depositional settings and patterns of […]

Kislukhin 1-2024

I.V. Kislukhin, A.V. Khramtsova, E.A. Maklakova, A.P. Leonov, E.V. Astafiev, T.A. Ryazanova, A.A. Gladyshev Features of Lower-Middle Jurassic deposit formation in the east ofWest Siberian Arctic regions DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-89-102 Key words: Southern Urals; frontal folds; seismic stratigraphy sequences; oil and gas bearing sequences; unconventional reservoir; local exploration targets; oil; gas. For citation: Kislukhin I.V., Khramtsova […]