E.A. Pakhomova, M.A. Nurullina, O.V. Kiryukhina, V.G. Shchergin
Analysis of oil and gas content in reservoirs of Savuisky-Samburgsky-Komsomolsky-Urievsky-Samotlorsky mega-cyclothem, Latitudinal Ob region
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2023-5-53-64
Key words: correlation; cyclothem; Neocomian deposits; reservoir; accumulation; well; reserves; resources; Kogalymneftegaz.
For citation: Pakhomova E.A., Nurullina M.A., Kiryukhina O.V., Shchergin V.G. Analysis of oil and gas content in reservoirs of Savuisky-Samburgsky-Komsomolsky-Urievsky-Samotlorsky mega-cyclothem, Latitudinal Ob region. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(5):53–64. DOI: 10.41748/0016-7894-2023-5-53-64. In Russ.
With the purpose of prediction and assessment of unidentified oil resources in the Latitudinal Ob region, as well as development of recommendations on geological exploration focus areas, the authors are working to create a unified stratigraphically coordinated model. In 2019, Kogalymnipineft Company for the first time conducted regional studies with extremely high level of detail, which were based on the full exploratory and development well stock; for the complicated subsequence of the Neocomian Play, they used seismic data as well. The work was aimed at studies of geological structure and oil and gas content in the Neocomian sequence of the Kogalym Region. Later, the models of БВ reservoir accumulations, as well as Achimov reservoirs of the respective cyclothems were updated in 2021, and new oil promising objects were identified in the areas of Langepasneftegaz and Pokachevneftegaz activity. Currently, the studies are continuing in the Povkhovsky region. Analysis of oil and gas occurrence in the reservoirs of the Neocomian Play carried out for the LUKOIL-Western Siberia fields in the Latitudinal Ob region demonstrated the inhomogeneous distribution of reserves across formations, territories, and operating departments. As a result of detailed breakdown and layer-by-layer correlation of exploratory and development wells, the authors managed to identify sedimentological features and conditions of oil occurrence. They also matched indices of the deposits registered on the resource base and the respective formations of regional and local cyclothems. Update of the unified geological model of the Cheuskinsky-Savuisky mega-cyclothem in the Latitudinal Ob region allows predicting the areas to expand acreage of known accumulations and new oil promising objects of BV series and Achimov formations, as well as giving recommendations for exploratory drilling, deepening boreholes in the existing well stock, and well testing.
Elena A. Pakhomova
Leading geologist
Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” “KogalymNIPIneft”,
143 a, ul. Respubliki, Tyumen, 625000, Russia
e-mail: Elena.A.Pakhomova@lukoil.com
Maria A. Nurullina
Geologist of the 1st category
Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering”
143 a, ul. Respubliki, Tyumen, 625000, Russia
e-mail: Mariya.Nurullina@lukoil.com
Olga V. Kiryukhina
Geologist of the 1st category
Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” “KogalymNIPIneft”,
143 a, ul. Respubliki, Tyumen, 625000, Russia
e-mail: Olga.Kiryukhina@lukoil.com
Vladimir G. Shchergin
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Project Manager
Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” “KogalymNIPIneft”,
143 a, ul. Respubliki, Tyumen, 625000, Russia
e-mail: Vladimir.Schergin@lukoil.com
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