A.V. Poletayev
Gas hydrates in the data of thermodynamic research: Azerbaijan sector of the Southern Caspian
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2020‑1‑113‑117
Key words: gas hydrates; assessment; gas; Southern Caspian; thermodynamic equilibrium.
For citation: Poletaev A.V. Laptev Gas hydrates in the data of thermodynamic research: Azerbaijan sector of the Southern Caspian. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(1):113–117. DOI: 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2020‑1‑113‑117. In Russ.
Geological structure and seafl oor bathymetry in the deepwater part of the Southern Caspian are indicati ve of the possibility of generati on of considerable gas hydrate amounts. Analysis of the materials related to gas hydrates of the Southern Caspian showed that all the acti viti es aimed at determinati on of the zone of their possible accumulati on are mainly based on the studies of Elm, Bozdag gas hydrate accumulati ons, and Apsheron area, and also on the thermodynamic factors of the region. As a part of the investi gati ons, temperature and pressure distributi on in the study area was examined in order to determine the depth of the formati ons occurrence at 24 °С, and also to analyse the range of pressure variati ons in near‑surface. The temperature of gas hydrates formati on is not the same for diff erent components. As a result of the analysis, it was found that maximum depth of thermodynamic equilibrium at the ti me of gas hydrates formati on from methane could reach 480 metres. On the basis of thermodynamic data and analysis of methodological bases of interpretati on, the maximum depths of gas hydrates formati on were determined. Finally, the amount of gas in gas hydrates was esti mated within the identi fi ed zone of thermodynamic stability. Total amount of gas is 1.15 · 1013 m3.
Alexander V. Poletayev ORCiD
PhD in geosciences, leading researcher
Oil and Gas Institute of National Academy
of Sciences of Azerbaijan,
9, F. Amirov str., Baku, AZ1000, Azerbaijan
e‑mail: avo1@mail.ru
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