M.A. Rogov, D.B. Gulyaev
Infrazonal subdivisions (biohorizons) — a tool for refining formation age and structure (case study of Jurassic deposits in European Russia and Svalbard)
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-103-116
Key words: ammonites; infrazonal stratigraphy; local stratigraphic subdivision.
For citation: Rogov M.A., Gulyaev D.B. Infrazonal subdivisions (biohorizons) — a tool for refining formation age and structure (case study of Jurassic deposits in European Russia and Svalbard). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):103–116. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-103-116. In Russ.
Funding: This article is written with the support of the topic of Geological Institute of RAS (FMMG-2021-0003).
Biohorizons are minimal infrazonal correlatable biostratigraphic units identified mainly by cephalopod molluscs (ammonites and belemnites) in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits worldwide. These units allow subdividing and correlating sections with the highest resolution based on biostratigraphic features. At the level of biohorizons, it is possible to most accurately reveal the features of changes in boundaries, range, and completeness of local stratigraphic units, which is of fundamental significance for determining the details of the territory’s development and, as a consequence, a more correct assessment of hydrocarbon locations and reserves. The authors discuss case studies of identifying the features of formation structures using biohorizons by the example of Jurassic deposits in two regions differing in the sedimentation patterns, thickness of sedimentary series, and geographical extent of local stratigraphic units — European Russia and Svalbard. It is shown that infrazonal stratigraphy can be used to reveal the geochronological sliding of boundaries and the presence of internal nonsequence in the formations in cases where this cannot be identified at the zonal level. It is desirable to demonstrate the formation diachrony on stratigraphic charts being adopted by the Russian Interagency Commission on Stratigraphy. In addition, the existing definitions of basic local (formation) and regional (horizon) stratigraphic units should be updated to avoid misunderstandings/Infrazonal biostratigraphic units (biohorizons), as discussed here, should be included in the revised edition of the Russian Stratigraphic Code.
Mikhail A. Rogov ORCiD Scopus
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
7, Pyzhevskiy per., Moscow, 119017, Russia
e-mail: rogov@ginras.ru
Denis B. Gulyaev Scopus
Commission on Jurassic System of the Interdepartmental
Stratigraphical Committee of Russia,
25, ul. Chekhova, Yaroslavl, 150054, Russia
e-mail: dbgulyaev@gmail.com
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