V.V. Sap’yanik, L.F. Naidenov, V.P. Devyatov, A.R. Akhmedova, S.N. Varlamov, A.A. Grishina, K.A. Zhukov, E.V. Lyubutina, I.S. Pavlukhin, N.V. Petrova, A.P. Khil’ko, N.A. Shenberger
History of Upper Jurassic Play formation in south-west of the outer West Siberian Plate belt
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-117-128
Key words: Western Siberia; Upper Jurassic; Bazhenov Horizon; lithotype; depositional settings; stratigraphy; tectonics; geochemistry; zoning.
For citation: Sap’yanik V.V., Naidenov L.F., Devyatov V.P., Akhmedova A.R., Varlamov S.N., Grishina A.A., Zhukov K.A., Lyubutina E.V., Pavlukhin I.S., Petrova N.V., Khil’ko A.P., Shenberger N.A. History of Upper Jurassic Play formation in south-west of the outer West Siberian Plate belt. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):117–128. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-117-128. In Russ.
The results of integrated tectonic and sedimentation interpretation of seismic sections 38,100 line km long, drilling data from 265 wells, more than 2250 paleontological identifications, and results of core and fluid geochemical studies in 26 wells are presented. Detailed lithological-palaeontological, geophysical descriptions of local Upper Jurassic-Neocomian stratigraphic units are discussed. The modern dating of lithostratigraphic units is verified. Boundaries of Upper Jurassic facies regions are updated, and a number of transition zones are identified, which are different in rock radioactivity parameters and stratigraphic completeness of the section. New seismic data and analysis of geodynamic processes of plicative (fold) tectonics of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary cover allowed significant updating Urals monoclise architecture, which evolves into the area of Mansiysky hemisyneclise submerged structures. General subsidence of structural elements is about 3200 m, it has a stepped structure represented by monoclines and terraces alternation with inclination angles reaching first degrees, the surface of which is complicated by a series of structural noses, large cloughs and several prominent linear and irregularly shaped scarps tens to the first hundred kilometers long, which made it possible to identify tectonic elements of the first, second, third and fourth orders. Reconstruction of the paleobathymetry profile crossing major tectonic elements from Tavdinsky monocline to Khanty-Mansiysky mega-trough demonstrate that Bazhenov sedimentary sequences were formed in upper to lower sublittoral environments, the depressional zones of which were favourable for accumulation of primary organic matter. The analyses show that the present-day Organic Matter content is as high as 11 % or more. Level of organic matter maturity increases from south-west to north-east — from PK1 protocatagenesis gradation to MK2 mesocatagenesis.
Total amount of hydrocarbon equivalents generated by Upper Jurassic rocks within the Karabashsky zone reached
86,5 billion tons; in tectonic and sedimentary settings under consideration they could accumulate on the positive structures
of Bortovsky monocline and Kondinsky structural terrace.
Viktor V. Sap’yanik ORCiD Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Deputy Director
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: sapianikvv@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 197151
Leonid F. Naidenov ORCiD Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Director of Branch
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: naydenovlf@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 993757
Vladimir P. Devyatov ORCiD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: deviatovvp@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 66982
Aleksandra R. Akhmedova ORCiD
Leading researcher
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: akhmedovaar@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 1240686
Sergei N. Varlamov
Deputy Director of Branch
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: varlamovsn@vnigni-nsk.ru
Anna A. Grishina ORCiD
1st Category Geologist
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: grishinaaa@vnigni-nsk.ru
Konstantin A. Zhukov
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Deputy Director of Branch
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: zhukovka@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 1241977
Elena V. Lyubutina ORCiD
Lead Engineer
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: lubutinaev@vnigni-nsk.ru
Ivan S. Pavlukhin
Head of group
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: pavlukhinis@vnigni-nsk.ru
Natal’ya V. Petrova ORCiD
Lead Engineer
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: petrovanv@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 992964
Anatolii P. Khil’ko
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: khilkoap@vnigni-nsk.ru
Natal’ya A. Shenberger ORCiD
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
17/1, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
e-mail: shenbergerna@vnigni-nsk.ru
AuthorID: 1227975
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