M.B. Skvortsov, A.N. Obukhov, A.M. Kirsanov, P.A. Levchenko
Petroleum potential of the central part of Yenisei-Khatanga Trough: the results of deep stratigraphic drilling
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-5-14
Key words: well logging; stratigraphic drilling; Yenisei-Khatanga Petroleum Region; Agapsky trough; clinoform sequence.
For citation: Skvortsov M.B., Obukhov A.N., Kirsanov A.M., Levchenko P.A. Petroleum potential of the central part of Yenisei-Khatanga Trough: the results of deep stratigraphic drilling. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(6):4–14. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-6-5-14. In Russ.
The authors present the results of analytical studies conducted during the course of drilling the Novoyakimovskaya-1 stratigraphic well. Drilling of the well was accompanied by the following activities: taking and detailed description of core and cuttings; full suite of petrophysical and geochemical laboratory studies; geotechnical and geophysical studies and open hole testing of objects; and vertical seismic profiling. The set of studies completed allowed updating stratigraphy of Cretaceous, Upper Jurassic, and Middle Jurassic intervals of the section. Integration of information on the deposits encountered by the well made it clear that the earlier supposed Yanovstanovsky type of the section should be more correctly assigned to the Gol’chikhinsky type because of the sharply increased thickness of the deposits. In the Jurassic series, the section also has a structure different from that observed in the adjacent Paijakhsky field. It is also revealed that interface between the Cretaceous and Jurassic sequences is well defined by the increase in Organic Matter concentration. As a result of integrated interpretation, new promising horizons were identified, which (after testing) can yield commercial hydrocarbon inflows. Interpretation of standard well logging suite allowed delineating reservoirs with the expected oil saturation in Nizhnekhetsky Formation. Using the new analysis methodologies, promising hydrocarbon reservoirs were identified in the Middle Jurassic Malyshevsky Formation. The studies performed allowed delineating objects for casing perforation in Neocomian Dolgansky, Verkhnemalokhetsky, Sukhodudinsky, and Nizhnekhetsky formations. Thereby, prospectivity of the Yenisei-Khatanga Petroleum Region — thick and wide-ranging Lower Cretaceous clinoform sequence in the eastern part of the Agapsky trough — has been confirmed, which gives a reason to continue studies in this area in the future.
Mikhail B. Skvortsov
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of a Department
All‑Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia
e-mail: skvortsov@vnigni.ru
Aleksandr N. Obukhov ORCiD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia
e-mail: obukhov@vnigni.ru
Aleksei M. Kirsanov ORCiD
Head of Sector
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia
e-mail: kirsanov@vnigni.ru
Pavel A. Levchenko ORCiD
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia
e-mail: levchenko@vnigni.ru
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