N.V. Tatyanina, A.E. Kozionov, A.S Smirnov
Trap bodies tracing in seismic field at different stratigraphic levels in halogeniccarbonate section of Angaro-Kovyktinsky oil and gas accumulation zone
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-37-45
Key words: sill; intrusion; stratigraphic level; Angaro-Lensky flat; 3D CDP; Vendian-Cambrian series.
For citation: Tatyanina N.V., Kozionov A.E., Smirnov A.S. Trap bodies tracing in seismic field at different stratigraphic levels in halogenic-carbonate section of Angaro-Kovyktinsky oil and gas accumulation zone. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):37–45. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-37-45. In Russ.
The authors present the results of integrated interpretation of zones of sill transition to different stratigraphic levels. These areas could be further updated thanks to 3D CDP seismic studies. Zones of intrusive layer transition can be associated with areas of jointing and active fluid dynamics. By interpreting vertical slices, tracing sill tops and bases, and using various seismic volume modifications, it became possible to clarify the areas of their crossing the Tetersky Fm Top, the intrusion exit through the Osinsky Horizon into the Usol’sky Fm, and also to identify the place of a possible deep fluid occurrence. The examples of wavefield corresponding to different types of an intrusion impact on host rocks are shown. An anomalous zone of the supposed multilevel sill is identified. This zone is represented by an area with intensive deep heat exchange, where bioherm-like structures — potential reservoirs — could be formed. Vertical anomalies (so called gas-liberation pipes) also confirm the high activity of this territory. Seismic methods allow recording all these geological features. The combination of numerous geological factors indicating reservoirs and migration pathways presence provides a deeper interest in such areas of Eastern Siberia.
Natal’ya V. Tat’yanina
Lead geologist
TNG-Information Technologies LLC,
21, ul. K. Voroshilova, Bugul’ma, 423236, Russia
e-mail: tng-it@tng.ru
Artem E. Kozionov
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Deputy Director General
TNG-Group LLC,
21, ul. K. Voroshilova, Bugul’ma, 423236, Russia
e-mail: tng@tng.ru
SPIN-код: 2673-4198;
AuthorID: 898509
Aleksandr S. Smirnov ORCiD Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Assistant professor
Tyumen industrial university,
38 ul. Volodarskogo, Tyumen, 625000 Russia
e-mail: smirnovas@tyuiu.ru
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Section: Current problems of stratigraphy