V.S. Vishnevskaya
Bazhenov Formation: age, radiolarial zones, reservoir properties
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-129-139
Key words: radiolarians; reservoir properties; Tithonian; Berriasian; Volgian and Ryazanian regional stages.
For citation: Vishnevskaya V.S. Bazhenov Formation: age, radiolarial zones, reservoir properties. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):129–139. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-129-139. In Russ.
Acknowledgments: Author expresses her appreciation to A.S. Alekseev, E.Yu. Baraboshkin, Yu.A. Gatovsky, G.A. Kalmykov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University) for their assistance in selection of materials, for providing samples and thin sections; E.A. Zhegallo (A.A. Borissyak Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences) for taking TESCAN pictures, E.O. Amon, M.S. Afanasieva (A.A. Borissyak Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences) for discussing the main provisions of the paper; to the referee A.A. Fedorova (VNIGNI) for a number of useful remarks and corrections that allowed improving the paper.
Funding: The work is conducted within the framework of the State Assignment No. АААА-А21-121011590055-6 to RAS Geological Institute.
The rock-forming role of radiolarians in oil source deposits of productive horizons of the Bazhenov Formation in Western Siberia is shown. Points of view on the formation time of the unique Bazhenov Formation are discussed. A modern zonal radiolarian scheme for the Bazhenov deposits in Western Siberia is briefly presented, which is created on the basis of a study of radiolarians spatial forms using chemical preparation, tomography, and electronic scanning. The recent scheme contains four zones and one layer as follows: (1) Parvicingula antoshkinae–P. blowi zone, lower substage–lower part of the Volgian Stage middle substage; (2) Parvicingula jonesi–P. excelsa zone, the Volgian Stage middle substage; (3) Parvicingula rotunda–P. alata zone, the Volgian Stage upper substage; (4) Parvicingula khabakovi–Williriedellum salymicum zone, the very top of the Volgian stage–Ryazanian stage upper substage (=Boreal Berriasian), and (5) layers with Williriedellum, Berriasian–Valanginian. It is recommended to use this scheme when differentiating the Bazhenov Formation in Western Siberia, which nowhere comes to the surface, is studied only in core, since the probability of detecting rock-forming radiolarians in core is much higher than that of the leading macrofauna. Different variants of void space in radiolarites are shown, and it is demonstrated that the radiolarian skeletons often play role of natural oil reservoirs.
Valentina S. Vishnevskaya ORCiD Scopus
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Chief Researcher
Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
7, Pyzhevskiy per., Moscow, 119017, Russia
e-mail: valentina.vishnaa@mail.ru
AuthorID: Q-3389-2016
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