V.I. Popkov, I.V. Popkov
Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18
Key words: anticline; thrust; tangential compression; oil and gas trap.
For citation: Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):5–18. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18. In Russ.
Funding: These studies are supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 23-27-00037.
Over the last years, evidences increasingly point to the fact that there are dislocations in the platform sedimentary covers, which were formed under lateral compression. The Buzachinsky arch situated in the western part of the Turansky Plate is one of these areas. The investigations showed that local uplifts of platform sedimentary cover sometimes containing large hydrocarbon accumulations were formed under the repeated tangential compression. In plan view, they coincide with the frontal parts of fault slices and low-angle thrusts in Triassic-Palaeozoic sequence, which were subject to intensive folding in pre-Jurassic time. The authors describe in detail the morphology of dislocations and their evolution history. The revealed structural patterns and common factors of areal distribution of dislocations allowed solving practical problems related to the formation settings of oil and gas accumulations, directions of migration, and possible zones of hydrocarbon generation. The results obtained can be used to determine further exploration and prospecting trends in the region.
Vasily I. Popkov ORCiD Scopus
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Kuban State University,
149, ul. Stavropolskaya, Krasnodar, 350040, Russia
e-mail: geoskubsu@mail.ru
Ivan V. Popkov ORCiD Scopus
Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences,
Assistant professor
Kuban State University,
149, ul. Stavropolskaya, Krasnodar, 350040, Russia
e-mail: iv-popkov@mail.ru
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