Popkov 2-2024

V.I. Popkov, I.V. Popkov

Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part

DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18

Key words: anticline; thrust; tangential compression; oil and gas trap.

For citation: Popkov V.I., Popkov I.V. Tectonics of Buzachinsky zone of oil and gas accumulation in Turansky Plate western part. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2024;(2):5–18. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-5-18. In Russ.

Funding: These studies are supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 23-27-00037.