Chistyakova 4-2024

N.F. Chistyakova, V.D. Nemova, M.D. Subbotin West Siberian Bazhenov rocks: deformation behaviour and strength properties DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-4-41-54 Key words: Bazhenov formation; high-bituminous argillaceous-carbonate-siliceous rocks; Organic Matter; deformation behaviour and strength properties; crack formation; secondary reservoir; brittleness index. For citation: Chistyakova N.F., Nemova V.D., Subbotin M.D. West Siberian Bazhenov rocks: deformation behaviour and strength properties. Geologiya […]

Matveeva 3-2024

T.V. Matveeva, E.A. Logvina, O.V. Nazarova Submarine gas hydrates: methods and results of resource assessment DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-3-81-96 Key words: unconventional resources; gas hydrates; gas hydrate accumulations; gas hydrate resource assessment; local, global, and regional gas hydrate resource assessment; Arctic gas hydrates. For citation: Matveeva T.V., Logvina E.A., Nazarova O.V. Submarine gas hydrates: methods and results […]

Karikh 2-2021

T.M. Karikh, A.I. Kudamanov Hydrothermal-metasomatic processes in Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) argillaceous opoka in Western Siberia north DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-81-89 Key words: Berezovsky Formation; Santonian; Campanian; opoka; diagenesis; epigenesis; metasomatism; hydrothermal processes; biogenic-chemogenic sediments; regression. For citation: Karikh T.M., Kudamanov A.I. Hydrothermal-metasomatic processes in Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) argillaceous opoka in Western Siberia north. Geologiya nefti i gaza. […]

Kripakova 5-2021

D.Yu. Kripakova, V.A. Tkachev, K.K. Izmailov, N.N. Chikina, E.V. Astaf’ev, N.P. Devyatka, A.P. Lopatin Detailed studies of geological structure and new data analysis: Domanik-type series within southern shoulder of Mukhanovo-Erokhovsky Trough DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-5-93-106 Key words: Domanik series; generation potential; oil and gas source rocks; Organic Matter; lithological typification. For citation: Bezgacheva D.Yu., Tkachev V.A., Izmailov K.K., […]

Oksenoyd 2-2022

E.E. Oksenoyd, V.G. Popovskaya, T.N. Pecherin, P.S. Demichev Dynamics of hard-to-recover reserves development: Bazhenov-Abalak Play in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-2-95-104 Key words: Bazhenov Formation; hard-to-recover reserves; oil pools; exploration well; oil production rate; well testing; hydraulic fracturing. For citation: Oksenoyd E.E., Popovskaya V.G., Pecherin T.N., Demichev P.S. Dynamics of difficult-to-recover reserves development: […]

Punanova 1-2022

S.A. Punanova, M.V. Rodkin Development of shale hydrocarbon resources: geo-environmental risks DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-109-118 Key words: production of shale hydrocarbons; resources; environmental risks; development; induced seismicity; environment pollution; potentially toxic elements. For citation: Punanova S.A., Rodkin M.V. Development of shale hydrocarbon resources: geo-environmental risks. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(1):109–118. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-109-118. In Russ. Funding: The paper […]

Salakhidinova 6-2022

G.T. Salakhidinova, M.G. Kul’kov, E.A. Vtorushina Combining pyrolysis and molecular parameters to improve reliability of assessment of Organic Matter maturity level in Bazhenov Formation (north-western part of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra) DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-6-85-98 Key words: Rock-Eval pyrolysis; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; molecular parameters; Organic Matter; thermal maturity; Bazhenov Formation. For citation: Salakhidinova G.T., Kul’kov M.G., […]

Aflyatunov 6-2022

R.R. Aflyatunov, A.P. Bachkov, N.G. Vedenina, S.E. Voitovich, N.G. Chernyshоva, N.K. Fortunatova, A.S. Kanev, M.V. Dakhnova, V.I. Petersil’e, S.V. Mozhegova High-carbon carbonate-siliceous domanik-type deposits: object of hydrocarbon resource base development in central part of South Tatarsky Arch DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-6-67-83 Key words: Volga-Urals Province; domanik-type deposits; difficult-to-recover reserves; Kamsky-Kinel’sky system of troughs; continuous reservoirs; conodont series; […]

Marakova 3-2022

I.A. Marakova Geological trends of occurrence of heavy oil pools in north-eastern part of Timan-Pechora Province DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-3-85-94 Key words: Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province; heavy oil; conditions of formation; Ordovician-Lower Devonian carbonate series; Domanik-Tournaisian carbonate series, above-carbonate terrigenous series; physicochemical composition; trend of occurrence. For citation: Marakova I.A. Geological trends of occurrence of heavy oil pools in north-eastern part of […]

Bumagina 5-2022

V.A. Bumagina, E.V. Martynyuk, E.I. Shvetsov, A.V. Shiryaev Characteristic of Bazhenov carbonate rocks: Yaptiksalinsky Megadepression, northern part of Western Siberia DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-5-63-70 Key words: Western Siberia; Bazhenov Formation; Upper Jurassic; carbonate rocks; botryoidal formations. For citation: Bumagina V.A., Martynyuk E.V., Shvetsov E.I., Shiryaev A.V. Characteristic of Bazhenov carbonate rocks: Yaptiksalinsky Megadepression, northern part of Western Siberia. Geologiya nefti i […]