Aleksey I. Varlamov
Aleksey I. Varlamov — well-known specialist in stratigraphy, paleontology and sedimentology, oil and gas geology and exploration; during 25 field seasons, he was team leader and party manager; Aleksey is highly knowledgeable about major Russian oil and gas provinces. His researches in Cambrian stratigraphy, paleontology and sedimentology have contributed much to the development of stratigraphic charts of the Cambrian sequences within Siberian platform; these charts are used in geological surveys, in building depositional models, paleogeography reconstructions, and global correlations, and also in prediction of oil and gas occurrence.
A. Varlamov is one of the main authors of the National Program for Geological Study of Subsurface And Mineral Reserves Replacement in Russian Federation, which is currently one of the most important documents in geology and subsoil use.
Since 2010 to 2018, Aleksey headed All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute — the lead organization that determines the priority areas of geological exploration for oil and gas in regions both having a long history of field exploration and new, yet unexplored areas and water areas.
He was a leader of the most important scientific researches and developments, and several important structural subdivisions are created: geophysics department, geological and economic assessment department, oil and gas field development department; the activities of the latter one supports operation of the Rosnedra Central Commission for Approval of Hydrocarbon Field Development Plans. In addition, a network of successfully operating branches was established under A.I. Varlamov guidance in St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Saratov and Novosibirsk; the staff of the Institute as a whole was strengthened; a series of annual Russian workshops “Modern problems of oil and gas geology and ways to solve them” was organized and held at a high scientific level.
Under the guidance of A.I. Varlamov and with his direct involvement, large-scale scientific and analytical geological and economic studies have been conducted and successfully completed in 2012–2015, which allowed assessing the status of economic reserves, hydrocarbon reserves, and predicting of trends until 2030.He directs the formation of the federally funded geological exploration programs on the territory of the Russian Federation. The resulting effect of these activities should be the advanced replacement of oil and gas resource base.
In-depth studies on two of the most important objects associated with unconventional shale oil (Bazhenov and Domanik) formations were started under the leadership of Aleksey; as a result, initial in-place and recoverable resources were estimated, the areas of maximum oil concentration were identified, and methodology of resources and reserves assessment were proposed. Development of these resources will allow maintaining the current oil production level in the coming decades.
A. Varlamov carries out great scientific research and social work; he is the President of the Association of Geological Organizations of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the organizing committee of three recent Russian Congresses of Geologists, a member of the Interagency Commission on Stratigraphy, Co-chairman of the Central Commission on Stratigraphy, Chairman of the Program Committee of the biennial International Conference “EAGE – St. Petersburg”; Aleksey actively participates in international and Russian congresses, conferences and workshops, where he always makes bright and interesting presentations. He successfully participates in publishing activities being the Editor-in-Chief of the Oil and Gas Geology and Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia journals.
He is engaged in wide scientific and teaching activities; Aleksey is the Head of the Department of lithology in MGRI-RGGRU and Academic Advisor of postgraduates. The main purpose of his activity is to train specialists for the industry and to promote professional skills of young scientists and specialists.
A. Varlamov is Dr. habil. in Geology and Mineralogy, a renowned academic recognized by Russian and international scientific community as evidenced by the award of prestigious Hans A. Rausing International Award for the Best Work in Paleontology (2009) and N.K. Baibakov Prize of the International Fuel and Energy Association (2014).
He is author and co-author of numerous scientific publications, among them are six monographs and over 100 academic papers.
Trade Union Central Committee Medal (2003)
Excellence in Subsoil Exploration Badge (2006)
Hans A. Rausing International Award for the Best Work in Paleontology and Stratigraphy (2008)
Honoured Prospector Badge (2009)
Hans A. Rausing International Prize for the Best Work in Paleontology (2009)
Medal For Strengthening of Military Commonwealth (2010)
Title Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation (2011)
N.K. Baibakov Prize of the International Fuel and Energy Association (2014)