Babasheva 2-2023

M.N. Babasheva, V.N. Babashev, F.M. Kuanyshev, A.P. Pronin

Northern Ustyurt: zonal forecast of oil and gas occurrence

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-53-61

Key words: facies; source rock; oil source; paleostructure; tectonic activity; fault; migration; Upper Palaeozoic; Mesozoic; Play; formation of accumulation; model; prediction.

For citation: Babasheva M.N., Babashev V.N., Kuanyshev F.M., Pronin A.P. Northern Ustyurt: zonal forecast of oil and gas occurrence. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(2):53–61. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-53-61. In Russ.