Fortunatova 5-2021

N.K. Fortunatova, V.A. Spiridonov

Density modelling of sedimentary cover, upper part of the basement using GIS INTEGRO technologies: Sredny and Nizhnevolzhsky Petroleum Regions and neighbouring areas

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-5-75-91

Key words: gravimetry; 3D density modelling; gravity field reduction; structural model of sedimentary cover; further criteria for regional hydrocarbon forecasts.

For citation: Fortunatova N.K., Spiridonov V.A. Density modelling of sedimentary cover, upper part of the basement using GIS INTEGRO technologies: Sredny and Nizhnevolzhsky Petroleum Regions and neighbouring areas. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(5):75–91. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-5-75-71. In Russ.