T.A.Korovina, E.A.Romanov
Current state of regional stratigraphic committees. How to improve their efficiency
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-31-35
Key words: Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee; Regional Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Commission; Stratigraphic Code; subsoil user; digital resources of Rosgeolfond.
For citation: Korovina T.A., Romanov E.A. Current state of regional stratigraphic committees. How to improve their efficiency. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2025;(1):31–35. DOI: 10.47148/0016-7894-2025-1-31-35. In Russ.
The authors present an analysis of the current state of stratigraphic research and applied stratification for the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee. Until the collapse of the geological industry in the 1990s, the existing system provided a high level of stratigraphic research. After the transition to market-based subsoil use, the unity of the geological space of petroleum province and petroleum region was gradually destroyed. There was no necessary work restructuring of the State Reserves Commission, Rosgeolfond and its territorial bodies, the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee and the Regional Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Commission on maintaining the level of stratigraphic research. Monitoring of target core sampling and biostratigraphic and isotopic studies in prospecting and exploratory wells of subsoil users, as well as control over match with the approved regional stratigraphic schemes for stratification of sections in the examination of documents substantiating and approving reserves were not included. By the example of the Siberian Regional Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Commission, the reasons for opening the gap between science and industry are analyzed, the focus areas for reorganization of the Regional Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Commission work are proposed for improving the efficiency of regional stratigraphic studies to use their results in practice and to enhance reliability of pay zone stratification.
Tat’yana A. Korovina
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Deputy Head
LLC Coretest Service,
2A, ul. Lenina, Tyumen, 625003, Russia
e-mail: korovina_ta@coretest.ru
Evgenii A. Romanov
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Director General
LLC Coretest Service,
2A, ul. Lenina, Tyumen, 625003, Russia
e-mail: romanov@coretest.ru
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Section: Current problems of stratigraphy