Koryakin 5-2022

S.Yu. Koryakin, Ya.L. L’vovskaya

Underexplored territory of eastern part of Rakshinsky Saddle, Visimsky Monocline, and southern end of Kamsky Arch: prediction of oil and gas occurrence using depositional and basin modelling

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-5-31-38

Key words: Rakshinsky Saddle; Visimsky Monocline; Kamsky Arch; Lower – Middle Visean terrigenous play; Devonian terrigenous play; hydrocarbon resources; seismic exploration; PetroMod; Dionisos Flow.

For citation: Koryakin S.Yu., L’vovskaya Ya.L. Underexplored territory of eastern part of Rakshinsky Saddle, Visimsky Monocline, and southern end of Kamsky Arch: prediction of oil and gas occurrence using depositional and basin modelling. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(5):31–38. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-5-31-38. In Russ.