D.D. Kozhanov, M.A. Bol’shakova, Sv.A. Sidorenko, N.V. Pronina, K.A. Sitar, A.V. Mordasova, Ya.A. Zaglyadin
Settings for carbon parageneses formation in Late Precambrian
DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2023-4-143-160
Key words: Precambrian; parageneses; Vendian; organic matter; diamonds.
For citation: Kozhanov D.D., Bol’shakova M.A., Sidorenko Sv.A., Pronina N.V., Sitar K.A., Mordasova A.V., Zaglyadin Ya.A. Settings for carbon parageneses formation in Late Precambrian. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(4):143–160. DOI: 10.41748/0016-7894-2023-4-143-160. In Russ.
Funding: The work was carried out according to state assignments from Moscow State University on topic No. AAAA-A16-116033010113-2 and from the Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences on topic No. 122022800264-9.
In this work, the authors show that areas of occurrence of Precambrian sedimentary series rich in Organic Matter in many petroleum basins all over the world often coincide with the largest diamond-bearing provinces and ore fields. These natural associations are an aggregate composed of rocks rich in Organic Matter, Organic Matter itself, and its derivatives, diamonds, carbonates, and metal ores are called to be carbon parageneses. Therefore, the problem of identifying the conditions for the formation of these carbon parageneses in the Late Precambrian is highly relevant. The authors present the comprehensive analysis of the Upper Vendian Kocheshorsky Formation (V2kc) in the Efimovsky site being one of the candidates for investigations of Precambrian carbon parageneses. There are lithology and coal petrography phototables, diagrams of carbon isotopic signature and chromatography-mass spectrometry of bitumoids extracted from the discussed deposits are shown in the paper. Based on the results of the authors’ analytical studies and overview of numerous works, they made the following assumption: the processes that caused formation of carbon parageneses may be a manifestation of a more global event in the Earth’s history, which contributed to formation of large diamond, ore and hydrocarbon accumulations. The presented scheme of formation of such a process is one of the possible consistent models that requires further investigations.
Dmitriy D. Kozhanov ORCiD
Post-graduate student
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: dmitriikozhanov@yandex.ru
Maria A. Bol’shakova ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: m.bolshakova@oilmsu.ru
Svetlana A. Sidorenko ORCiD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
3, ul. Gubkina, Moscow, 119333
e-mail: sventlanasidorenko@yandex.ru
Nataliya V. Pronina ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: nvproncl@mail.ru
Ksenia A. Sitar ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Senior researcher
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: k.sitar@oilmsu.ru
Alina V. Mordasova ORCiD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: a.mordasova@oilmsu.ru
Yaroslav A. Zaglyadin ORCiD
Moscow State University,
1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119234, Russia
e-mail: mrkruken@mail.ru
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