Makiev 2-2023

T.T. Makiev, S.Yu. Koryakin

Prediction of oil and gas occurrence in the zone of Permian arch, northern terminations of Bymsky-Kungursky monocline and Babkinsky saddle, and north-western part of Yuryuzano-Sylvensky depression junction

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-63-70

Key words: basin modelling; Play; oil and gas source rocks; calibration; Organic Matter; Vitrinite Reflectance; accumulation; PetroMod; kerogen.

For citation: Makiev T.T., Koryakin S.Yu. Prediction of oil and gas occurrence in the zone of Permian arch, northern terminations of Bymsky-Kungursky monocline and Babkinsky saddle, and north-western part of Yuryuzano-Sylvensky depression junction. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2023;(2):63–70. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2023-2-63-70. In Russ.