Balagurov 6-2022

M.D. Balagurov Lower Vendian sandstones on the southwestern slope of Nepsky Arch (Eastern Siberia): reservoir properties and depositional settings DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-6-57-65 Key words: Lower Nepa subformation; terrigenous deposits; sandstone; reservoir; salinization; porosity; computed tomography; Acoustic Impedance; paleogeographic reconstruction. For citation: Balagurov M.D. Lower Vendian sandstones on the south-western slope of Nepsky Arch (Eastern Siberia): reservoir […]

Denis Voskov

Denis Voskov is the recognized expert in geological modelling and technological simulation of oil and gas reservoirs. He was one of principal developers of the Russian simulator for operating supervision of large field development (Rock Flow Dynamics Company). Denis is scientific supervisor of master and postdoctoral students in Delft University of Technology; for three years he […]

Svetlana A. Sidorenko

Svetlana A. Sidorenko graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Mineral Deposits Exploration and Prospecting; Dr. habil. in Geology and Mineralogy. Area of expertise: Pre-Cambrian formations; Organic Matter and its evolution during the Earth’s history; oil and gas reservoirs in Arctic and other regions. Teaching activities: Chief of the State Certification Committee in two departments […]

Shemin 4-2022

G.G. Shemin, P.A. Glazyrin, A.G. Vakhromeev, O.I. Bostrikov, E.V. Deev1, M.Yu. Smirnov, V.I. Moskvin Regional Middle-Upper Jurassic reservoirs in the Yenisei-Khatanga and neighbouring Gydan petroleum areas within the Siberian sector of Arctic: quantitative prediction of oil and gas occurrence DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-4-73-97 Key words: reservoir; criteria of oil and gas occurrence; quantitative estimation; gas; condensate; HC reserves […]

Balagurov 5-2022

M.D. Balagurov Lower Vendian deposits in south-western slope of Nepsky Arch (Eastern Siberia): lithology and depositional settings DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-5-51-61 Key words: Vendian deposits; lithology; sandstone; evaporite; mineral assemblage; salinization; Acoustic Impedance. For citation: Balagurov M.D. Lower Vendian deposits in south-western slope of Nepsky Arch (Eastern Siberia): lithology and depositional settings. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(5):51–61. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-5-51-61. In Russ. […]

Dubrovina 2-2024

L.A. Dubrovina, E.A. Ivanov, E.V. Smirnova, G.L. Rozbaeva, Yu.V. Reidik Methodological approaches to identification of Achimov-type exploration targets in the Arctic zone of West Siberian north DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-41-50 Key words: Lower Cretaceous deposits; clinoform sequence; paleoshelf; paleoslope; exploration target; correlation. For citation: Dubrovina L.A., Ivanov E.A., Smirnova E.V., Rozbaeva G.L., Reidik Yu.V. Methodological approaches to […]

Merkulov 2-2024

O.I. Merkulov, V.P. Stenin, S.Yu. Malyavin, V.B. Shcheglov, S.V. Sizintsev Lower Permian subsalt deposits of the Astrakhan arch: promising focus area for oil and gas exploration in south-west of Caspian region DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-2-29-40 Key words: Caspian Depression; Astrakhan Arch; Lower Permian deposits; oil; gas; petroleum potential; hydrocarbon resources; focus areas of geological exploration; subgranular reservoir; […]

Kunitsyna 1-2024

I.V. Kunitsyna, P.A. Zemtsov, N.A.Malyshev, V.E. Verzhbitskiy Depositional settings and patterns of Chokrak sandy reservoir distribution within Dagestan shelf DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-103-115 Key words: Piedmont Dagestan; Dagestan shelf; Chokrak sedimentary rocks; seismic data; sequence stratigraphy; seismic facies; non-anticlinal traps; petroelum potential. For citation: Kunitsyna I.V., Zemtsov P.A., Malyshev N.A., Verzhbitskiy V.E. Depositional settings and patterns of […]

Kartashova 1-2024

A.K. Kartashova, S.V. Ershov, N.I. Shestakova Structural features and conditions of Berriasian-Lower Aptian deposit formation in western regions of Yenisei-Khatanga Petroleum Area DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-73-88 Key words: Berriasian-Lower Aptian deposits; clinoform sequence; clinoform; sequence; seismic sequence; stratigraphy; reservoir bed indexing; structural features; Yenisei-Khatanga Petroleum Area. For citation: Kartashova A.K., Ershov S.V., Shestakova N.I. Structural features and […]

Fortunatova 1-2024

N.K. Fortunatova, S.I. Kharchenko, G.A. Belousov, A.G. Shvets-Teneta-Guriy, A.B. Gorodkov, D.Yu. Sotnikova Riphean-Vendian deposits in Yuryuzano-Aisky depression of Urals Foreland Basin: features of geological structure and petroleum potential DOI 10.47148/0016-7894-2024-1-27-44 Key words: Yuryuzano-Aisky depression; Urals Foreland Basin; Riphean; Vendian; Kamsky-Bel’sky aulacogen; petroleum potential. For citation: Fortunatova N.K., Kharchenko S.I., Belousov G.A., Shvets-Teneta-Gurii A.G., Gorodkov A.B., […]