Pinchuk 2-2022

A.V. Pinchuk, E.A. Pylev, E.E. Polyakov, M.A. Tvorogov, I.V. Churikovа

Optimisation of cluster drilling based on integrated seismic attributes and well log data analysis using neural network algorithms: Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field

DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-2-17-30

Key words: Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field; geological model; Khamakinsky and Talakhsky horizons; well; prediction of lithotype occurrence; lithology; reservoir; neural network; classification; attribute analysis; seismic attribute; lithology cube.

For citation: Pinchuk A.V., Pylev E.A., Polyakov E.E., Tvorogov M.A., Churikova I.V. Optimisation of cluster drilling based on integrated seismic attributes and well log data analysis using neural network algorithms: Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(2):17–30. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-2-17-30. In Russ.