Georgy N. Gogonenkov was born on November 4, 1937 in Kremenchug (Ukraine). In 1960 he graduated with honours from Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. Dr. habil. in Engineering (1984), Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. USSR State Prize winner.
Career history:
1960–1969 — geophysicist in the Volga-Urals branch of VNIIgeofizika, head of seismoacoustic research laboratory. Worked on the use of continuous velocity logging is seismics and calculation of synthetic seismic records in thin-bedded media;
1969–1974 — digital seismics chief consultant, Geofizika Public Enterprise (German Democratic Republic);
1974 — Chief Engineer, Central Geophysical Expedition, Minnefteprom (USSR Ministry of Petroleum Industry;
2000 — First Deputy Director General, Central Geophysical Expedition. Georgy headed the research area focused on the integration of amplitude and kinematic parameters of seismic record to predict the physical state of rocks.
Area of his expertise covers a wide range of problems from design of geophysical data acquisition to building the detailed hydrodynamic models and monitoring of field development. He was involved in implementation of 3D seismic survey methodology in the stage of preparation to bringing field into development and updating geological model of oil and gas fields. He was a leader of DV-based software development, which is designed for integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical, and oilfield production data.
In 1975–1990, Georgy participated in development and implementation of strategic plans for the development and equipping of Minnefteprom) geophysical segment of the industry with modern computers, software, and technical auxiliaries.
In 1974–1991, he was deeply involved in international activities, and was one of the leaders of the Coordinating Centre for cooperation with the CMEA-member countries.
In 2001–2014, he participated in establishing contacts with American and European geophysical societies, and represented Russia in the Program Committee of the World Petroleum Congress.
Georgy N. Gogonenkov is the author of more than 100 publications.